Monday, August 9, 2010

The Road to Nowhere

Now that we owned 10 acres, we needed a way to get to it.  The best route was almost 1000 ft, from a small, dirt road:

The driveway would first need to go through some trees, then along a field, re-enter a wooded area, curve around and go up a hill.  From the road to the edge of the field, the driveway follows an old rock wall, currently only visible for about a month in the spring and a month in fall (in between snow and summer overgrowth.)

Between a quite stormy summer and several other jobs, the excavator didn't get to work on it until October.  He took off for a week at the beginning of November to finish another job, and then had some equipment fail.  In the meantime, it got cold and the ground froze.  So, we had half a driveway for the first winter.

From the road through the trees

Along the edge of the field
Back into the woods, where it drops off.

 The end of the road.  It's hard to tell, but the dropoff is about six feet.

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