Sunday, December 5, 2010

But soft...

Well, we still don't have a roof, but we are assured that it is en route, and will arrive at the lumber yard tomorrow. It will be delivered to the site on Tuesday morning, and five guys will work all week to install it (assuming the snow does like NOAA has promised, and stays away.)  With any luck, the roof will be on by the end of the last class of the semester at Bates.

In the meantime, we have windows!

The inside view:

First floor, north side

Close up

Second floor office

Close up

Master bedroom

Second floor south side

Close up

And the outside view

Hopefully the tarps will soon be replaced by a wall of windows!
There are even windows in the garage and wood shop

The windows are by Serious, and the name is not a misnomer.  They are triple glazed, xenon filled, fiber glass windows.  Those of you familiar with insulating values will appreciate that they have an R-value of 7.5.  To put this in perspective windows must have an R-value of at least 3.3 to qualify as Energy Star.  And, in a recent meeting, one of the senior project managers from the physical plant at Bates told me that you can't buy windows with an R-value higher than 5 (I politely corrected him.)  Carol had originally specified aluminum windows by Arcadia, but Matt (who teaches thermodynamics) was not happy with their efficiency.  On a whim, we got a quote from Serious, and it came in only slightly higher than Arcadia.  Considering how much money we will save in the long run, it was well worth it.  We eventually found out Serious made a mistake with our quote, and gave us a 15% discount, so we really got a bargain (especially considering that their prices went up an additional 25% right after we ordered them.)  By the way, neither of us quite remember why we decided to put a huge picture window in the garage, but it will be tinted eventually so guests won't be able to see the mess in the garage.

It's going to be an exciting week. In addition to the roof, the garage door is supposed to arrive and the plumber will start roughing in the kitchen and bathrooms.  He will be followed by the electrician and propane guy. The first batch of siding arrives mid-month, and we are hoping to have the entire building enclosed by Christmas.


  1. Do you know what the SHGC on the windows is? Those sound pretty sweet.

    (P.S. I love your blog.)

  2. Beth,

    The SHGC is 0.33 and visible transmittance is 0.45. The U-factor is actually listed as 0.17, which may mean that our R-value is about 6 which is lower than they quoted to us (unless there is a unit conversion I'm not aware of.) Still much better than we most residential windows.
