Monday, November 22, 2010


We've made it through 5/6 of the semester.  That's 10 lectures, 1 mid-term exam, 1 final paper, and 1 final exam left for Jen, and NEASC accreditation over for Matt.  Being a Dean seems like a good idea this time of year, doesn't it?

In the meantime, the turkeys at the roofing place were supposed to deliver the steel for our roof last week.  Looks like it will be next week.  In the mean time,  we have walls in the first floor:

View from the living room

The pantry

The mechanical room

Left to right: bathroom, stairwell, pantry kitchen

The mechanical room (another angle)

Guest bathroom and guest bedroom

And, the doors and windows were delivered. (the next post will show the windows installed, as long as the roofing turkeys deliver the roof)

Exterior doors

Big a$$ fixed windows for the south side

Sliding windows for the south side

"Small" ribbon windows for the north and upstairs

And, a shed was installed, all ready for the new roof, once the turkeys deliver it.

A good new home for our red Ranger

The canoe gets a new home too

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  We'll be spending a few days in Syracuse with Matt's family.   Regardless of the lack of roof, we have a lot to be thankful for.  We are very lucky to have jobs that we love (most of the time), family who support us, and great friends.  In a few months, we'll be able to show our appreciation with an open house (or seven.)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wally World

We've made it into November, and through one of the worst weeks work-wise Matt has had in a while.  So, it was a nice break to spend a few hours at the new house on Saturday afternoon.  It is beginning to get chilly, but the house should be completely enclosed by the end of the month.  We had some very rainy days the week before last, which was a good opportunity for Dan to put his crew on some indoor work for another project, but that turned into a week of work instead of three days.  So, not much happened on our house until last week. On Tuesday, the concrete master returned to polish the first floor.  We don't have pictures, because although the floor feels much smoother, it looks very much the same.  He will return after the interior walls are installed to wax and polish the floor.

While Michael was working on the floor downstairs, the crew started working on the interior framing upstairs, which means we have the beginnings of walls!
Master Bedroom
Other Side of the Master Bedroom
Master Bath
Stairwell and Guest Bath (unframed on the left)

The current stairs (the actual stairs will be slightly more elegant)

Guest Bedroom

Dark and Dreary Storage Area
Matt and Dan in the Future Office
We also chose the color for the steel roof, and it will be delivered next Wednesday.  We'll hope for some calm days next week, since handling 3 x 44 foot pieces of steel on the roof in the wind would probably not meet OSHA standards.  Once the roof is on, they will be able to put in the windows and install the siding, which will mean the house will be completely enclosed. Until then, it would be nice if it doesn't snow.